First Name
Last Name
Company Name
Business Phone
Your Recruiting Advertising Budget?
Your Recruiting Advertising Budget?
$150 on Facebook Only
$200-$300 on Facebook Only
I want to advertise in many places.
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
List the NAMES and EMAIL ADDRESSES of any people who will be receiving recruiting forms.
Who, on your staff, is primarily responsible for recruiting and will be interacting with our staff?
Your Preferred Recruiting Area: Towns or a Radius Around Your Office. Facebook does NOT allow advertising via zip codes.
In the space below, please provide (paste) a full job description or ad, similar to one you would place on Indeed, Ziprecruiter or Craigslist.
What benefits do you offer caregivers? (flexible schedules, health insurance, 401k, sign on bonus, etc)
What Are Your Deal-Breakers? (ex. Must be Authorized to Work in the US, Must Have a Valid Driver's License)
How Do You Handle Interviews?
We do 15-minute PHONE interviews first, and then invite in for a full interview.
We hold ZOOM meetings first (or something similar) and then invite in for a full interview.
We have people come directly to our office, we do not hold any phone interviews or zoom calls.
Typical Interview Times and Days (EX: Phone Interviews 9am-3pm Mon-Fri)*
Would You Like a TEXT reminder before each scheduled interview?
If Yes, Please Provide the Name and Cell Phone Number Below of the Person Who Should Receive the Reminder
Would You Like Any Additional Calendars Set Up for Internal Use? (ex. In Person Interviews, Orientation)
Where Do You Typically Advertise for Caregiver? (Indeed, FB, Zip, Glassdoor, Craigslist)
Would You Like to Incorporate Any of the Following:
Full Application Online- Go Paperless
State & Federal Forms Online- Go Paperless
Upload Potential Job Seekers from Other Platforms
I don't want any of these