Your First Name
Your Last Name
Your Email
Your Cell Phone
Tell us About the Person Who Needs Care.
Who Needs Care?
Who Needs Care?
Other Relative
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Zipcode of the person who needs care
What Type of Care is Needed? (Check all that apply)
What Type of Care is Needed? (Check all that apply)
Bathing/Showering and grooming assistance
Toileting and incontinence care
Medication reminders
Light meal preparation
Light housekeeping
Light laundry
Escort on appointments (doctor’s office, hair salon, etc)
Safety Supervision
Respite Care
Alzheimer’s and dementia care
Medicaid Waiver Services
Parkinson's Home Care
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What is their current living situation?
What is their current living situation?
Living Alone at Home
Living at Home with Family
In the Hospital Needs a Sitter
In the Hospital Discharging to Home
Assisted Living
Independent Senior Living
Nursing Home
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How Old is the Person Who Needs Care?
How Old is the Person Who Needs Care?
85 or older
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Estimate How Much Care They Might Need
Estimate How Much Care They Might Need
A few hours per week
More than 20 hours per week
40 or more hours per week
Around-the-Clock Care
Live-In Care
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How will care be paid for?
How will care be paid for?
Private Funds
Long-Term Care Insurance
Lincoln Caregiver Fund
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How Did You Hear About Us?
How Did You Hear About Us?
Referred By a Friend/ Colleague
Referred By a Professional
Internet Search
Other Social Media
Newsletter/ Email
Other Advertising
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Would you like to receive texts? Yes or No?
Yes, I would like to receive texts.
No, I do not want to receive texts.
I agree/authorize/consent
I Agree/Authorize/Consent
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